Four Photographs

by David. A. Goodrum

Crowns. 2022. 13”h x 10”w. Digital photograph of red pines taken near Castle Rock Lake in Wisconsin.

Much of my artistic work focuses on nature, captured as I move in and out of the spiritual states nature offers—between variations in landscape and topography, between micro and panoramic perspectives, between the personal garden and wilderness, between seasons. My intent is to capture imagery and experiences that might instill in others—as they often do for me when I make them—a sense of calm and tranquility. I hope to create a visual field that momentarily transports you away from hectic daily events and into a more spiritual place that delights in an intimate view of the world. In the quickness of our modern lives, we often lose the small details as we step over them, look away, stare straight ahead, distract ourselves with devices. Instead, these photos are from experiences of pausing and contemplation.

The Chosen Path. 2021. 10” h x 13” w. Digital photograph of sand patterns taken at Nye Beach in Newport, OR.

Organ Pipes. 2023. 13.5” h x 10” w. Digital photograph of organ pipe cacti taken near the Catalina Foothills outside of Tucson, Arizona.

Paeonia Inner Sanctum. 2022. 12” h x 10” w. Digital photograph of a farmers’ market peony taken at home.



David A. Goodrum, photographer/writer, lives in Corvallis, Oregon. His photography has graced the covers of several art and literature magazines, most recently Cirque Journal, Willows Wept Review, Blue Mesa Review, Ilanot Review, Red Rock Review, The Moving Force Journal, Snapdragon Journal, and has appeared in many others. Additional work, both photos and poems, are available at His artistic vision has always been to create a visual field that momentarily transports you away from hectic daily events and into a place that delights in an intimate view of the world.


Four Encaustic Pieces