Infinity’s Ribcage

by Lane Falcon

My daughter asks if there’s a second sky,
one in heaven this time,
arched above earth’s
opera house marble ceiling.
She wants to know the physical, I expect, limits
of overlapping orbs, arches perfected.
She wants to know
what protects us.



Lane Falcon’s poems have been published in American Poetry Journal, The Carolina Quarterly, The Chattahoochee Review, Harbor Review, The Journal, Mayday Magazine, New York Quarterly, Passengers Journal, Poet Lore, Qu, Rhino, Spoon River Poetry Review, Swwim Everyday, Tar River Poetry, WWPH Writes, and more. Her manuscript “Deep Blue Odds” was selected as a finalist for the Black Lawrence Press Hudson Prize and the Lightscatter Press prize, and semi-finalist for the 2022 Tupelo Press Berkshire Prize and the Inaugural Laura Boss Narrative Poetry Prize. She lives in Alexandria, VA with her two children and dog.




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