The Gospel of Mary Magdalene II

by Zachary Dankert

I’ve written myself
into an insect, God
is a red fruit.
What I’ve learned
of sin is from
everything in skin
that sprays
juice when bitten.
skin, meaning wheat
and shame and
what’s between.

I want to squirm
my way into the folds
of your body, and leech
you out of yourself
until I am no longer
myself. You are a
lemon, shaped like hands
of the Buddha.



Zachary Dankert is a writer living on unceded Miami territory known as Indianapolis, IN. Published work can be found in Breakbread Literary Magazine, Tofu Ink Arts Press, and West Trade Review, among others. His goal in life is to write a single funny poem.


Matthew 2:13-23 (Olives)


Finding Paradise in River Pretty, Missouri